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Peaceful Dorje Shugden Print

Product code: PT003

Quick Overview

A serene depiction of the five families of Dorje Shugden. In the middle is a very peaceful Dorje Shugden in his main form, surrounded by his emanations in peaceful, increasing, controlling and wrathful forms.

Dimensions: 2ft x 3ft

Availability: Out of stock

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The five families of Dorje Shugden are magnificently depicted in this print. In the middle is the principal emanation on a snow lion, illustrated in a very peaceful and calming nature. Upon first gaze, your eyes are instantly drawn to his compassionate and serene disposition.

Surrounding the central figure are the other four emanations of Dorje Shugden while Kache Marpo, at the bottom, completes this beautiful and symbolic piece of Buddhist art.

All five forms of Dorje Shugden have specific functions depending on your needs. Gyenze (top left) brings increase; Wangze (top right) brings control; Shize (bottom left) brings peaceful energy and Trakze (bottom right) brings wrathful energy. Above Dorje Shugden is the faultless sage, Lama Tsongkhapa and below Dorje Shugden is Kache Marpo, his chief minister.

This is an exquisite print to have in your home to replace negative auras with compassion, peace, wisdom and loving kindness.

Dimensions: 2ft x 3ft
Available in photo or canvas print

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